Supporting the world around us

Here at Can Factory it is an important part of our mission to recognise and give back to the community we come from. Following on from our previous Charity contributions, this year we have [...]

Esports – Part 5/5

Obstacles. Details that may seem to be insignificant to a casual gamer, can have big implications on the viability of a game as an esport.

Esports – Part 4/5

Events & Tickets. People now fill stadiums to watch esports. The largest ever esports crowd was at the League Of Legends finals in 2014 in Seoul, South Korea, where 45000 people turned up for [...]

Esports – Part 3/5

Prize Pools. What’s at stake here? Why are people dedicating their teenage years and early twenties to video games? This first image shows the prize pool for DOTA 2’s TI 2018, A.K.A The International.

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