Review Centre
Since the beginning of 2008, we have been working with Review Centre on a number of projects, which included the initial due diligence required by the investors purchasing the business from the previous owners.
Product Matcher
The main aim of the initial project was to replace the existing price comparison feeds with a new system that would allow Review Centre to automatically match their product database to product feeds provided by multiple suppliers. This project went live in September 2009 and is having an extremely positive impact on revenue.
As the base for the matcher, we used the Lucene framework and customized it where neccessary for the business-specific rules.
It was quite a challenge to produce a system that would provide accurate matches but our proof-of-concept prototype proved that it could be done. The next part was to expand this to use real-world data.
The logic took into account the name, attributes and custom information based on category to choose matching items. We also found that the better the data source, the higher the quality of matches. This also confirmed what we had expected when building the prototype.
All-in-all this was a very interesting project and we enjoyed the challenge that the business problem (and the sheer volumes of data) presented.
The application was developed with our new admin user interface. It gives any administration or dashboard system a new and light feel to it.
One of the aspects of the new interface is the integration with the quartz scheduling system. In addition, elements on each page can be collapsed to give the user more control over what they see.
What the client has to say
Technologies Used
- Java
- Javascript
Platforms & frameworks
- Apache Tomcat
- Apache Web Server
- jQuery
- Hibernate
- Spring
- Quartz scheduler
3rd party integration
- PriceRunner
- PriceGrabber